CERN's Big Discovery: 

The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known as CERN. Established in 1954. 

CERN operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world. discovered a particle with double enchantment.

Scientists who split the molecule have discovered a particle that has the dual attraction of mesmerizing.

Scientists confirm this particle contains a rare combination of sub-molecules called fundamental components of matter.

The new particle has been named XICCplus Plus. This new discovery will be helpful in solving mysteries about one.

The mass of this particle is about 3,621 mega-electron volts, which is four times more massive than most baryons ever discovered.

The discovery of the latest marked particle was announced at the EPS conference on High Energy Physics in Venice.

Scientists working in the world's largest and powerful particle claim that such a particle has been discovered for the first time.

Scientists at CERN will now begin collecting data for their experiments, and the Large Hadron Collider will run round the clock for about four years.