Colombia Elections:

Gustavo Petro will be the new President of Colombia, the third most populous country in Latin America.

In Colombia, leftist leader Gustavo Petro has registered a major victory in the presidential election held in the country.

Presidential candidate Petro got 50.48 percent, while his rival Rodolfo Hernandez got 47.26 percent of the vote.

After the victory, Petro said, "A new beginning is beginning with this government, in which there will be only respect and dialogue."

Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego is a Colombian economist, politician, former guerrilla fighter. 

Who is  Gustavo Petro?

Gustavo Francisco Petro Urrego was born on 19 April 1960 in Ciénaga de Oro.His parents were farmers.

At the age of about 17, Petro became a member of the Colombian Revolutionary Organization Movement (M-19)

Petro earned a bachelor's degree in economics from the Universidad Externado de Colombia and a master's degree in economics from the Universidad Javeriana.

After the demobilization of the M-19 movement, Gustavo Petro formed a political party called the M-19 Democratic Alliance.